Profile of Ananda Purna School

Ananda Purna School, Thoubal established on 22nd, January 1976, is a Co-educational English Medium School and recognished by the Director of Education(S), Govt. of Manipur for Primary level under order No. 1/6/85-ED(TH) dt. 29-04-83, and for Junior level under order No. 6/3/88-ED(G) dt. 26-04-93 respectively.
The Board of secondary Education, Manipur granted permission to open Class-IX in the year 1994 and granted provisional recognition with effect from 1-2-95 with permission to send up Class-X students for High School Leaving Certificate Examination since the year 1996. Moreover, the school has rendering good services like  a)    Exemption of Admission & Tution fees, b)   Issue of books & Uniforms Dresses, c)   Exemption of Bus fare etc. for the orphans, disabled students etc.
No doubt, due to the good reputation of the school, it is developing fast as it seems to surpass other schools in the state of Manipur.
The School is also affiliated to the Council Of Higher Secondary Education, Manipur (COHSEM) under Recognition No. 1/96/96-HSC(Vol. VI) of dated 15-04-2016. The newly upgraded Institute is named as Ananda Purna School of Sciences.

Objectives of the School are as under:

(i)To provide ‘True Education’ which trains not merely the head but also heart and the hands.
(ii)To Prepare the citizen of tomorrow who is responsive to and understands her obligation to the state and society.