Welcome to Ananda Purna school
Ananda Purna School, Thoubal established on 22nd, January 1976, is a Co-educational English Medium School and recognished by the Director of Education(S), Govt. of Manipur.
From the pen of the Principal-
Education is the key of Knowledge & Knowledge is essential for progress & development.
Dear Parents & Students,
At the very outset, I would like to express my heartiest and deepest respect and gratiyute towards the parents of the students, members of the managing committee of the school, lecturers and teachers, employees of the school. As we know that education is an ongoing process, earning of knowledge is not limited. So, a real student needs to perform his/her duties regularly, sincerely and faithfully. The duty of a good and real student is nothing but to read the books regularly and to obey his/her parents and teachers. Students are to understand that education safeguards his/her own life. It is like our dresses which cover our bodies and protect from heat, rain and cool. Moreover it beautifies our bodies.
Education is like the combination of roots and stem in a plant. Without root and stem, branches and leaves cannot be bifuricated / Spread. Thus, to become a perfect man/woman/person, education with perseverance is highly essential in our life. By dint of perseverance even a poor/simple man/woman can become a greater one.
* Please check and sign your child’s diary everyday.
* Ensure that your child attends regularly and punctually to school in proper uniform.
* Please acknowledge all Circulars given.
* Please send quality time with your child every day. It is important that you communicate with your children.
* Encourage your child to read story books especially during holidays.
* Please feel free to visit the school and give us inputs in order to better the school.
Thanking you.
Ananda Purna School, Thoubal